Testimony Tuesday 5/13

Friday, I was headed to Atlanta to talk with a family at the hospital. On the way there, GOD spoke to me about giving the family $250 to help with daily expenses. I was more than willing, but would need to find the ATM at the hospital. Then I remembered that I can only withdraw $200, per day from the Young Harmony account. I figured I could just get some from the Young Harmony account and some from my personal account. Wait, I didn’t have my personal debit card with me. What can I do? I knew that GOD always made a way for HIS plan to be carried out, but how would this happen? As I walked into the hospital, a nurse that I have worked with many times, handed me an envelope. She said GOD spoke to her and her husband about sowing into my ministry. I said to her, “Can I tell you how much money is in here?” I told her what GOD has spoke to me about doing. Guess what? There was $250 in the envelope, IN CASH!! AMAZING! That is just who GOD is. HE will always make a way. Trust HIM! Share something that GOD has done for you. HE deserves the honor! Blessings my friends.

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