Testimony Tuesday 4/28

I received a card in the love offering plate that said, “I have been struggling with some personal issues for about 8 months now. Pastor said you were coming tonight and to be honest with you, I was not interested in hearing how GOD has done so much for you, especially with me having so many issues. But during your concert, GOD used you to break what was holding me down. You made me realize that if GOD would do this for you, HE will do it for me, as well. Tonight, I made a commitment to GOD that I will be a person that HE can work through. Like you said, “HE deserves our praise!”. Thanks for letting GOD guide you to our church. My life has been changed for the better RW”

Please take time to share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS! People are hurting and we have the ANSWER to their issues, in HIM! Thanks for sharing this with your friends.

Johnathan Bond

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