Testimony Tuesday 4/19

As I was leaving the hospital, after a grief counseling session, I noticed a man sitting on the curb with his head down and I just felt compelled to reach out to him. I walked over and said, “Sir, are you doing ok?” He said, “Are you a Christian?” I said, “Yes sir.” He said, “Did GOD send you over to check on me?” Again, I said, “Yes sir.” At that moment, he completely broke, right there! He said, “My father passed away in Jackson GA and his wake is tomorrow. I am trying to make it there, but It doesn’t look like I am going to. I caught a bus from Maine to Tennessee, because that was all of the money I had. I have walked the rest of the way. I just asked GOD, if HE was real, to send me help. Would you mind helping me to get to Jackson, please? I can’t give you any gas money or any other help, but your help would be appreciated.” I told him that I would be happy to take him to Jackson. He walked with me to my car and we left for his fathers wake. On our journey, I found out that he is 68 years old, been homeless for about 3 years and has completely given up on life. I asked if he knew that GOD has a purpose for him and he responded with, “Actually, I didn’t even believe in GOD until just moments before you walked up.” I shared with him about the love that JESUS has for him. I told him that even though he had just found out that GOD is real, GOD has had HIS focus on HIM for many, many years.

That trip to Jackson added about 90 total miles to my overall trip, however it added many better years to his life. We are never closer to the heart of GOD as when we take some time to show a HIS love. Remember, the greatest commandment of all is that we LOVE one another. This isn’t just in verb form, but in noun form, as well. Not just in feelings, but in action, also. Not just silently, but we should be loving out loud!

When we reach out with love, HE shines through us amazingly!

Thanks for sharing what HE has done and is doing! Have a tremendous Testimony Tuesday!

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