Testimony Tuesday 7/29

I received a phone call on Tuesday afternoon, that went like this. “Brother Johnathan, you came to my church about 8 months ago. My husband, who’s name is Randy, isn’t a Christian, but comes to church with me every Sunday. This morning he had a heart attack and said to me two things. 1) Call 911 2) See if you can call that boy that came to the church a few months ago to sing. He wants you to pray for him, please.” I started praying with them and asked that she keep me updated. Thursday evening, she called back saying that he is doing much better, hopefully going home on Friday. Yesterday morning (Monday) Mr. Randy called me. He was able to go to church on Sunday morning and surrendered his life.to JESUS! HOW AMAZING! Blessings to my friends. Don’t forget to take time to share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS! HE sure deserves it and others need to hear it!

*Johnathan Bond

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