Testimony Tuesday 7/22

I received a phone call this week from Jeffery J. He called to tell me that he was struggling with depression and had made all plans to end his life. He said he arrived to his mother and dads to say a final good bye, and something happened. His mother, not knowing his plans, said, “You have to listen to this CD I bought last weekend.” She began to play #3 “Not Just On The Sparrow” and #4 “Come To JESUS”. He said that he began to sob uncontrollably and that GOD was healing him of his circumstances. He said that he opened up to his parents about his depression and things began to change. He now has had 7 days with more strength through the struggles. GOD is amazing! HE truly knows our needs before we do!

Blessings to my friends. Don’t forget to take time to share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS!

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