Testimony Tuesday 8/12

Please take time to read the entire post before sending me all of the “correction” private messages. I believe JESUS struggled with some form of depression. (Heb 4:15). A few years ago, I went through a rough bout of depression. For a while, I felt like I was failing as a Christian and as a minister of the Gospel. But then I realized that HE knows our pain and struggles, first hand, because HE dwelt with the same issues. HE restored my JOY and reminded me that being Christian doesn’t mean being without faults or struggles, but simply means HE has made a way for our escape. Today if you struggle with life’s issues, don’t try to hide it, face it head on with HIS help. We can’t do it on our own, we weren’t created that way.. HE created us to soar, but only with HIS help. (John 10:10). If you need someone to talk to, talk to your pastor, or family member. You are always welcome contact me, as well. Please take time and click on the link below. Powerful reminder! Blessings to each of you, my friends!

https://soundcloud.com/user16951735/08-hold-on-2?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&ut, (HOLD ON) *Johnathan Bond YoungHarmony.com*

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