Testimony Tuesday 10/7

Testimony Tuesday: I received an email from a 5th grade Science teacher in Greater Baltimore MD area. Below is a copy of the email:
Mr. Johnathan Bond, last week we had a day of Show and Tell for my 5th grade students. A young boy presented a copy of a Christian CD and began to share about a car accident that you were involved in. I must say the students and myself were amazed. He then asked if I would let them all listen to the CD. I told him that I had better listen to it first and present for approval. Well, as I began to listen, I caught myself both laughing and crying. I was so moved by your presentation of Christ. I took the CD to a board meeting and we took a few minutes to listen to you share about your car accident, as well as about the young homeless man from a bridge in Chattanooga TN. To say that we were all blessed is simply an understatement. With all of that being said, the school would like more information on inviting you to come speak to the Fifth and Sixth grade students of our school. We could bring you in as a motivational speaker and I believe you could really make a difference in the lives of so many. For legal reasons, we would only be able to cover your travel expenses. Is this something you would consider?

Thank you for all that you do. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Ms J*** A**********
Woodhome Elementary School
7300 Moyer Ave
Baltimore MD 21234

What a blessing to hear! I love how GOD takes our testimonies or struggles and uses them to encourage so many, including a little child! THANK YOU JESUS for changing my life and the life of so many others.

Please take time to share either something that GOD has done for you, or this testimony. HE deserves the PRAISE! Others need to be reminded of who HE still is! Thanks all!

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