Happy Valentines Day?

Can you believe that it is already December 2007? Have mercy! I just gave Ginger her Valentines Day present last week. (Just kidding.) I remember CHRISTmas at the Bond house when our children were smaller. We had all three of them go to their room and pick two toys that were in good condition to give away. They, of course, where not fond of the idea at first. However, we talked to them about the true meaning of CHRISTmas and how GOD gave His son to us. We wrapped the gifts and took them, along with a CHRISTmas basket of food, to a local underprivileged family. The children opened the gifts with so much excitement, this of course, exciting Josh, Markale and Ashley and allowed them to experience the true GIFT of GIVING. Sometimes when we give and see the excitement in others, it helps us to remember the joy that GOD must feel when we receive HIS gift, HIS SON! This CHRISTmas I would encourage you to share the true gift of salvation with those around you.

A couple of things I would like to let you know:

1) You only have one day left to vote on the Solid Gospel’s Make It or Break It song of the week. You can do that by going to www.SolidGospel.com and clicking on my photo.

2) We have our brand new DVD “Young Harmony – LIVE” available at www.YoungHarmony.com. With the purchase of this DVD, you will also receive a FREE Instrumental CD of old hymns.

Please keep us in your prayers this weekend as we take the musical message that GOD has given us to share with the world! For concert schedule, go to www.YoungHarmony.com and click on CONCERT DATES page.

Thank you for your prayers!

Johnathan Bond
Please take the time to sign up for our FREE E-Newsletter by going to www.YoungHarmony.com

Always remember GOD is bigger than your problems!

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